Why we Need Healthy Food

Healthy food is good for you because it helps you avoid health problems like heart disease and other health problems.The food may not always be tasty but can help you a lot in the long run. By eating healthy you can stay fit and be confident all the time. You will never have to worry about weight problems if you eat healthy and excersie. Healthy foods contain things like vitamins and minerals you need to live a long healthy life and to can keep you from being sick. For example oranges contain vitamin C that can boost your immune system. Also milk contains calcium which can help you build strong bones and make you feel strong.

Say No to Junk Food

Some chips and soda may be good some of the time and aslo maybe a hamburger and fries but unlike healthy foods you should not eat them all the time. These type of foods usually have enough calories to last you days. Some can clog your arteries which can give you high blood pressure, strokes,heart disease and also heart attacks. These arent good for people sibce they kill many people everyday. By avoiding food that contains lots of sugar, fat, colories, cholestrol, and sodium you can avoid these diseases. Thats why they call it junk food because of what these foods can do yo you. I am not saying that one hamburger and fries can kill you I am saying that if you eat them constasnlty you could face some serious health problems. Remeber the key to staying healthy is by being proportional on what you eat.

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